Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Robin Hood at the movies: 01 “Robin Hood", aka "Robin Hood Outlawed", (1912).


Above: Guy of Gisbourne and the Sheriff of Nottingham

Not the first Robin Hood movie, but the only one which seems to have survived from the 1910s. Its importance is not so much in the merits of the movie, but in the opportunity it gives to see a simple enactment of the legend as it would probably have appeared in countless live performances over centuries previous: The characters are in readily identifiable costumes, much like a pantomime. Gisbourne wants Marian; a “stranger” turns up which of course turns out to be the King; Robin and Marian get married.

Above: The stranger turns out to be the King. Tuck presides over the marriage of Robin and Marian in Sherwood Forest.

1 comment:

  1. Robin Hood, Robin Hood Outlaw, Robin Hood blog, Robin Hood pictures, Robin Hood history, Robin Hood legend, Robin Hood movies, Sherwood Forest, Nottingham.


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